Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Let Us Commence

Hello, Hi, Greetings, Salutations, and all other forms of the introductory greeting.

This blog is just a place for me to express my feelings and opinions on what I am currently reading. I have always enjoyed a good literary discussion and a blog seemed like a good idea, an outlet if you will.

So as I am now clean as a blank page in a journal (this was my lyrical way of saying I took a shower. Not that this has any relevance to what this blog is about) I figured I would put keyboard to screen and start this introductory post before I finish my current book.

So here is a very simple and succinct explanation of who I am.....

I was not always the reader I am now, in fact I had some trouble until the end of first grade. But I soon found my love of reading and I cannot seem to put books down. My mother in fact gets annoyed with me when we go into a used bookstore. In her mind I take too long, but to me it's a treasure hunt. Who leaves a treasure hunt early I ask you?

A little hint....

So, as explained in the intro section, this blog is going to be all about what I am reading. So here is a hint on what my next blog post is going to be about: the book I am currently reading is by the author of a famous literary red head. 

Can anyone guess what book I am reading by this author?

Until next time 